Can you remember what you had 2 days ago, for lunch? How about last week?
You already know how important a consistent diet is in shaping your fitness. In spite of its importance, not everybody is tracking their meals. Why? It is just too inconvenient and time-taking. You already have so many things to do and keeping track of what you eat simply could not fit into your schedule. But, now it can.
Introducing Calgo, your personal meal-tracking assistant:
Change the way you approach fitness: Calgo offers an all-in-one calorie tracker that is easy-to-use and guaranteed to save you from the frustrations of meal tracking. Bye bye complexity!
Calgo’s comprehensive reports also transform the way you approach your daily meals through intelligent suggestions on how to improve your meal consumption patterns.
A lot of careful thought has been put in when designing Calgo to ensure that you have a smooth experience and won’t end up spending too much time in learning how it works. Save that time for other important stuff.
To evolve with the times and help you calculate your calories in a fraction of a second, Calgo is fully digital. It is a gift of convenience to you, packaged as a beautiful desktop application. I mean just look at our User Interface above. As the saying goes, pictures speak a thousand words but pictures of your consumption data saves you thousands of excess calories!
Excited and want to know how to start making calories go? Download Calgo now from our latest GitHub release!
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If you need help in setting up and learning about Calgo’s features, check out our User Guide.
If you are a developer wanting to contribute and learn how Calgo works, check out our Developer Guide.
To learn about the team working to make your Calgo experience effortless, read About Us.
If you need anything else, Contact Us.
Some parts of this application were inspired by the excellent Java FX tutorial by Marco Jakob.
Calgo is adapted from the AddressBook-Level3 project created by the SE-EDU initiative.