This Project Portfolio page aims to showcase my contributions to Calgo - a Software Engineering project developed during my second year of undergraduate studies at the National University of Singapore.
About the Team
We are 5 Year 2 Computer Science undergraduates reading CS2103T: Software Engineering.
About the Project
Calgo was created to help foodies achieve their fitness goals. Our story first began when the team was given the source code of Address Book Level 3 (AB3) project. We were challenged to collaborate as a team to morph this into a new product incrementally using Brownfield software development.
As all of us were food lovers, we decided to embark on this journey to create Calgo, a personal meal tracking assistant. Today, Calgo is well-equipped to help users keep track of their meal consumption and store all their favourite food, along with its nutritional information. On top of this, Calgo has the ability to offer our users insightful reports based on their data. Calgo was created with a strong emphasis on providing the best user experience to our users.
Summary of contributions
Major enhancement: I implemented the
What it does: This command allows the user to add new
entries or edit existingFood
entries in theFood Record
. -
Justification: Instead of having two separate commands: add and edit to perform the function of updating the Food Record, this smart command decides whether to add or edit depending on whether the Food entered by the user exists in the Food Record. This improves user experience and reduces the necessity of another command.
Highlights: Implementing this requires comprehensive understanding of the entire application architecture. Additional thought and effort was required to ensure that the process is seamless for the user.
Major enhancement: I implemented the Real-time Suggestion feature
What it does: This feature shows the user existing similar Food items in real time when using any of these three commands:
. -
Justification: Instead of the need to use additional commands or having to manually scroll through the
Food Record
, this feature allows user to know whether a particular Food item already exists. This is especially helpful for these three core commands that generally require this knowledge. -
Highlights: This enhancement shows our emphasis on providing a good user experience to the user. It also requires a good understanding of the all core components used by the application to achieve this.
Minor enhancement: I designed the GUI for the
What it does: This enhancement helps the DailyFoodList be displayed in a more minimalistic and inituitive manner.
Justification: This helps the user quickly see important aspects of their meal consumption, such as the
of each Food consumed. This improves the design and also user experience for the user. -
Highlights: This enhancement is well-designed with good color scheme. A good mix of understanding of JavaFX components and research into new JavaFX APIs were required to achieve this.
Code contributed: You can view my contributions to Calgo here.
Other contributions:
Project and team management:
Morphed test cases for AB3 to new features in Calgo: #136, #139
Update team pages/documentation: #69, #128, #130, #205, #251, #269, #279, #286, #295, #296
Software Developer: Handled object modelling, designing overall architecture and maintaining good code quality.
Product ideation and brainstorming, contributions to GUI design and user testing.
Beyond the team:
Contributions to the User Guide
Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users. Please note that some hyperlinks may not work as the guide is not part of this portfolio. |
: Deleting a Food
from current Food Record
(by Zhang Xian)
If you no longer require Calgo to store a particular Food
and its nutritional values for you, you can use the delete
to remove the specified Food
from your Food Record
The Food that you wish to delete must already exist in the current Food Record .
For your convenience, the NAME field of your input for the delete command is case insensitive. Therefore, n/Pizza
and n/pizza are treated by Calgo as the same Food .
Format: delete n/NAME
Say you want to remove a Food
, Pizza
, that already exists in your Food Record
. This is how you can do it:

You should first enter delete n/pizza
as input, and press enter. Note that delete n/Pizza
also has the same effect.

Once the command has been entered, the Result Display
shows the results of your command and the Food Record
no longer shows
a Food
entry for Pizza
Contributions to the Developer Guide
Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project. Please note that some hyperlinks may not work as the guide is not part of this portfolio. |
Real-time Suggestions for existing Food
in FoodRecord
(By Zhang Xian)
This section addresses how the GUI Result Display
suggests Food
with similar Name
to the user for the commands update
, delete
and nom
When the user have many Food
entries in the FoodRecord
, they may have difficulties finding out if a particular Food
exists in the FoodRecord
For better user experience, this feature listens to the input of the user for these three commands and suggests similar existing Food
entries in real time in the GUI’s
Result Display
This feature listens to the input of the user after the Prefix
and checks if there is a Food
entry in the FoodRecord
with a similar Name
The Name parameter is case-insensitive and searches the Food entries in the FoodRecord by whether they start with the user input so far after the
Prefix n/ .
To be able to process user’s input in real-time, we set a listener
in the CommandBox
to listen for the input of any of the three commands: update
, delete
or nom
This feature is then facilitated by different objects, mainly MainWindow
and UniqueFoodList
. MainWindow
interacts with LogicManager
's method of getSimilarFood
which exposes
the FoodRecord
, allowing a filtered list of similar Food
entries in the UniqueFoodList
to be returned back to the user.
A predicate, FoodRecordContainsFoodNamePredicate
is also essential in this implementation in ensuring that the correct similar Food
items can be filtered from the UniqueFoodList
back to the LogicManager
to be displayed by the GUI. The test
method of this predicate which is responsible for the above is shown:
public boolean test(Food food) {
boolean foodStartsWithInputFoodName = food.getName().fullName.toLowerCase()
boolean inputFoodNameStartsWithFood = foodName.toLowerCase().trim()
return foodStartsWithInputFoodName || inputFoodNameStartsWithFood;
Both of the boolean
used for this predicate is essential. For instance, if "Laksa is already present" in the FoodRecord
If the user keys in "Lak", the first
ensures that "Laksa" will be suggested to the user. -
If the user keys in "Laksa Spicy", the second
ensures that "Laksa" will be suggested to the user.
The following sequence diagram will explain how the different objects interact to achieve the Real-time Suggestion Feature.

Based on the above diagram, when a user has already entered any of the CommandWord
: update
, delete
or nom
, and also the Prefix n/
Step 1: CommandBox
calls the MainWindow
method of getSuggestions
with the parameter as the entire String
of user input in the CommandBox
Step 2: MainWindow
then parses the user inputted String
and calls LogicManager
method of getSimilarFood
with the parameter foodName
which is the entire String
after the Prefix
Step 3: The Model
then does the necessary work by calling methods getFoodRecord
and getFoodList
. This results in the current UniqueFoodList
being returned
Step 4: The UniqueFoodList
is then filtered with the Predicate<Food>
, FoodRecordContainsFoodNamePredicate
which returns a List<Food>
of Food
objects that have similar Name
fields to the user input.
Step 5: Finally, the filtered List<Food>
is then parsed into a String
for the user by the MainWindow
and then displayed in the GUI’s Result Display
Design Considerations
Aspect: How the suggestions is shown to the user.
Alternative 1: (current choice):
displays the names of similarFood
entries inFood Record
Improved user experience, allowing user to still view the unfiltered
in the GUI. -
User can have access to the raw
of theName
entries for copying and pasting.
Additional interacting with
components required, instead of just filteringUniqueFoodList
Cannot reusing existing lexicographical sorting feature of
Alternative 2: Filter the GUI’s
Food Record
to show similar Food entries.-
Feature is limited to minimal interactions with
, making use of existingUI
abstractions. -
Compatible with existing code relating to the
, allowing code to be reused.
Takes away most of the need for
features since they achieve mostly the same purpose.
Aspect: Commands that utilise Real-time Suggestions
Alternative 1: (current choice): Only three commands:
Improves computational performance, since real-time features for every command will be computationally expensive.
Keeps the desired outcomes of other features such as
Decrease in user experience, as they might expect this feature to be universal for all commands
Alternative 2 All the commands
Better standardisation of feature across all commands.
Additional computational overhead.
Not all commands have a
field. -
Additional implementation or significant change in how this feature works is necessary to make it universal.
listens for any of the three commands as mentioned, allowing LogicManager
and FoodRecord
to facilitate
the suggestions of similar Food
entries from the UniqueFoodList
to display in the GUI’s Result Display
. This can be summarised
in the activity diagram below:

Modifying the FoodRecord
(By Zhang Xian)
This section addresses how the FoodRecord
can be modified by the update
and delete
The update
command allows the user to modify the FoodRecord
by either adding a new Food
into the FoodRecord
or editing the
nutritional values of an existing Food
in the FoodRecord
From the user’s perspective, the update
command does either of the adding and editing functions. This implementation of update
decides whether to
override an existing Food
in the FoodRecord
with new values, or create a new Food
in the FoodRecord
for them.
For better user experience, for all new Food
being updated into the FoodRecord
with the update
command, the Name
will be formatted to proper case. This means that if the user updates a new Food
into the FoodRecord
with the Name
as "char kuay teow", the Food
is stored in the FoodRecord
will be of Name
"Char Kuay Teow".
When a new Food is updated into the FoodRecord, the FoodRecord is sorted in lexicographical order. For more information on how this is implemented, please refer to its relevant section here. |
The delete
command allows the user to modify the FoodRecord by deleting a specified Food
entry from the FoodRecord.
This command takes in the Name
of the Food
entry to be deleted.
For both delete
and update
commands, the Name
parameter is implemented to be case-insensitive. This means that n/APPLE
and n/apple
refers to
the same Food
entry with Name
stored as Apple
The modification of the FoodRecord
is facilitated by UniqueFoodList
, which is responsible for storing all the Food
entries in the FoodRecord
Additional abstractions were used by Model
and Logic
for any operations that results in a modification of the UniqueFoodList
Both commands require an additional operation, hasFood
, in FoodRecord
to be implemented. hasFood
checks if there is an existing Food
in FoodRecord
by checking if there is any Food
in the FoodRecord
with the same Name
. Two Food
entries is deemed to be of the same Name
if their lowercase variant
is the same.
This operation was exposed in the Model
interface as hasFood
, allowing UpdateCommand
and DeleteCommand
this functionality.
Implementation of update
For the update
command, the hasFood
operation decides whether UpdateCommand
adds a new Food
into UniqueFoodList
edits the nutritional values of an existing Food
in the UniqueFoodList
The following sequence diagram shows how the update
operation works in both cases:

The lifeline for UpdateCommandParser and UpdateCommand should end at their destroy markers (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifelines reach the end of diagram.
How the update
command works:
Step 1: LogicManager
executes the user input of update n/apple cal/52 p/2 c/14 f/1", using `CalgoParser
to realise this is
an update
command and creates a new UpdateCommandParser
Step 2: UpdateCommandParser
then parses the arguments provided by CalgoParser
with the parse
During this parsing process, UpdateCommandParser
calls the covertToTitleCase
method on the Name
argument, converting it
to proper case.
Step 3: UpdateCommandParser
then creates a new UpdateCommand
object, which LogicManager
calls the execute
method with this object
as an argument.
Step 4: UpdateCommand
now checks if there exists an existing Food
in the FoodRecord
by calling Model
Step 5:
Scenario 1: If Food already exists in the
Model calls the
method with the user inputtedFood
as a parameter to get the existingFood
in theUniqueFoodList
. It thens call thesetFood
method to replace the existingFood
in theUniqueFoodList
with the newFood
which contains new nutritional values.
Scenario 2: If
does not exist inFoodRecord
This scenario is handled by the Lexicographical Ordering feature. Please refer to its relevant section here.
Model calls the
method with the user inputtedFood
as a parameter to add the newFood
into theUniqueFoodList
After the
is added into theUniqueFoodList
, theUniqueFoodList
is also sorted in lexicographical order.
Step 6: A new CommandResult
object is then created and returned back to LogicManager
Implementation of delete
For the delete
command, the hasFood
operation allows UpdateCommand
to check whether the Food that the user requests to be
deleted exists in the UniqueFoodList
The following sequence diagram shows how the delete
command works:

The lifeline for DeleteCommandParser and DeleteCommand should end at their destroy markers (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifelines reach the end of diagram.
How the delete
command works:
Step 1: LogicManager
executes the user input of "delete n/Apple", using CalgoParser
to realise this is
an delete
command and creates a new DeleteCommandParser
Step 2: DeleteCommandParser
then parses the arguments provided by CalgoParser
with the parse
method, before creating a new
object that is returned back to the LogicManager
which calls the execute
method with this as an argument.
Step 3: DeleteCommand
now checks if there exists an existing Food
in the FoodRecord
by calling Model’s `hasFood
method, which
checks if there is such Food
in the UniqueFoodList
Step 4: Model
then calls the getExistingFood
method to return the Food
object to be removed from the UniqueFoodList
. Thereafter,
calls the deleteFood
method with this Food
object as an argument to remove this Food
from the UniqueFoodList
Step 5: A new CommandResult
object is then created and returned back to the LogicManager
Design considerations
Aspect: Updating the FoodRecord
when there is an existing Food
item in FoodRecord
Alternative 1 (current choice): Overrides the existing
item with the newFood
No need for an additional command of
just for the user to edit an existingFood
item in theFoodRecord
Might not be intuitive for the user since the word "update" is generally assumed to be for editing something only and not necessarily adding something.
May result in additional performance overhead.
Alternative 2: Informs the user that there is already an existing
item, and direct him to use another commandedit
to edit the existingFood
More intuitive for user, since he might not know that he is overriding an existing
Additional command has to be created just to handle editing
More tedious for user since more steps are required to achieve the same result.
In summary, this section explains how commands related to modifying the FoodRecord
is implemented.
The update
command is a smart command that either updates an existing Food
entry in the FoodRecord
with new nutritional information,
or updates a new Food
item into the FoodRecord
The following activity diagram summarises what happens when a user enters a valid update

commandThe delete
command allows the user to remove a Food
entry from the FoodRecord
by specifying it’s Name
as an parameter.
The following activity diagram summarises what happens when a user enters a valid 'delete' command:
